Jorge Rojas
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
After a rough teenage time Jorge was led to Christ by a brother of the Catholic Charismatic Movement. He began his studies at a seminary to become a priest, but a few months before he would be dedicated, he noted that this was not what God wanted of him. He became a teacher of religion and philosophy in high schools and worked in a rehabilitation center for drug addicts.
In 2004-2005 he studied pastoral work at the Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. His internship was in Gateway Church. In 2007 this church sent him to Guatemala, where he taught at a high school in a highland village. Since 2010 he lives with his wife and children in Chichicastenango. He has preached and equipped pastors in Argentina, USA, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, Holland and Uruguay. He is a graduate in Systematic Theology and teaches at Mariano Galvez University in Guatemala where he also has finished his Masters in Biblical Studies.
Marietta Rojas-Koorevaar
Born in Wijngaarden, The Netherlands
Since her childhood she has always been active in the church and in missionary work, including Belgium, Spain and Ecuador. She studied medical biology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and taught at a high school in Heemstede. In 2006, she was sent to Guatemala by the Noorderkerk in Amsterdam. There she began teaching mathematics and science at a Christian school in the mountains, where she met Jorge. She has been the director of ASELSI Bible School. Now she is wife and mother, and mobilizes the Guatemalan people to read, with the Readers´ Club for children and the distribution and sale of Christian books.
Our Kids
Jorge and Marietta are the proud parents of three kids. At home the kids speak both Spanish and Dutch, but in the meantime they learn a lot of English and Mayan languages from their neighbourhood and friends. They receive homeschooling with the help of volunteer teachers from several countries.